
Showing posts from 2017

Kava i strong tumas: All you ever needed to know about Vanuatu's favorite drug

Scenes from a Weekend Video

Scenes from a School Day Video

Peace Corps Life: How to Take a Bucket Bath

The New Normal, Part 3

Group 29 Pre-Service Training Video

Expectations vs. Reality: Modern Conveniences

Slice of Life, Evening of August 12 2017: My new friend, Dorothy

Slice of Life, Afternoon of August 9th 2017: A death in the family

Food of Vanuatu: Training edition

Slice of Life, Evening of August 3rd 2017: A walk with Miss Dorolyn

An Awareness

To know or not know? That is the question.

My purpose as a Literacy Project volunteer

Slice of Life, July 24th 2017: Children's Day

The ABCs of Vanuatu

"We use each part of the coconut, that's all we need"

Darling Sydney

FAQs: Can I send you a care package?

Dogs of Vanuatu

You’re speaking another language, and it’s not Bislama

The New Normal, Part 2

Peace Corps Cooking: Tuna Cakes Recipe

Oh, Santiago: Part 2

Slice of life, Evening of June 21st 2017: Sleepy children and their abus

Slice of life, Morning of June 21st 2017: Theives

Walkabout Week

Animals of epau

1000 ways to die in Vanuatu

There are three ways to catch a chicken

The Sounds of Epau

Oh, Santiago: Part 1

The New Normal: Part 1

Bislama Vocab: Part 1

The first bout of illness

The 24 hour, day-skipping, triple airport adventure

A (somewhat) short statement about staging

FAQs: Can I send you mail?

FAQs: You're joining the Peace Corps!? What?!