Oh, Santiago: Part 1

Santiago is a fellow education trainee who is one of my closest friends here, and who has a unique personality that I would love to summarize...but I think it's far more fun to list some quotes of actual things he has said aloud, so you can imagine it on your own.

This is the first edition of "Oh, Santiago."
  • When someone inquired about the glass coffeemaker he packed for PC: "Have you seen beauty?"
  • While the group was voting on a movie to watch: "Is there an electoral college?" 
  • After Frances read aloud an original poem: "The meter is better in the first one." 
  • "Tomorrow's the Kentucky Derby. Let's bet on the Kentucky Derby."
  • "Thank you for letting me use your laptop, Melissa, basilea, imperatora, regina christiantisimus, first of her name, wardeness of the north."
  • "I have a beautiful tweed blazer, I wore it to a football game once."
  • "Hot take: spoken word is the lowest of all art forms."
  • "I'm going to translate all of Shakespeare's sonnets into Bislama."
  • While describing a friend: "We are two beautiful individuals with the same birthday that we celebrate together and call Us Day." 
  • Upon someone teasing him for going to Harvard: "Where else would I go...Yale?"
  • After I corrected his grammatical error: "I guess you could say that...if you wanted to be pedantic.
  • Upon noticing that I didn't place a napkin on my lap at dinner: "You can't escape the circumstances of your birth." 

Important to note: Santiago attended Harvard University. 


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